East Lancs Branch


What is CAMRA LocAle?

CAMRA LocAle is an initiative that promotes pubs and clubs stocking locally brewed real ale. The scheme builds on a growing consumer demand for quality local produce and an increased awareness of 'green' issues.

Definition of Local

The Sustainable Communities Act, which CAMRA strongly supports, provides a definition of local as up to 30 miles from the point of sale. CAMRA recommends that the distance is calculated from the pub/club to the brewery and should be based on the shortest driving distance. Real ales from regional and national breweries as well as from microbreweries can be regarded as "local" if they are brewed within what the branch has decided as being the local area.

How do I find a LocAle Pub or Club?

Pubs and clubs which have been given LocAle status by the East Lancs branch can display the LocAle sticker (right) on their windows/doors. The stickers have the year for which they have been accredited by the branch. They may also have posters up and have pump clip crowners.
Below are the pubs and clubs that have been awarded LocAle by the branch. If a pub or club is not shown, or you feel should no longer a LocAle accreditation, please submit an update via WhatPub.com or email ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@elacol for the details to be confirmed and updated.