Branch Contacts
Details of the current East Lancs branch committee and other branch roles including Sub Area Contacts, Beer Festival organisers and Brewery Liaison Officers (BLO's) can all be found below.
Please note: Everyone listed here is a volunteer, so please be patient if you do not get an immediate reply. All correspondence will be acknowledged in a timely manner.
We are always looking for more volunteers. Check out the vacant roles link at the bottom of the page and get in touch if you would like to be more involved in your local branch.
Thank you.
- Branch Chair John Websterku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@riahc
- Branch Secretary Alan Cottamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@yraterces
- Membership Secretary Martyn Pashleyku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@pihsrebmem
- Branch Treasurer Karen Pashleyku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@rerusaert
- Branch Contact Alan Cottamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@hcnarb
- Beer Festival Organiser - Clitheroe Robb Omerodku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@eorehtilc.tsefreeb
- Beer Festival Organiser - Pendle Paul Brownku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@eldnep.tsefreeb
- Cider Representative Thomas Fishwickku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@redic
- Clubs Co-ordinator Colin Goodwinku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sbulc
- Good Beer Guide Co-ordinator Chris Dickinsonku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@gbg
- LocAle Co-ordinator John Inghamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@elacol
- Public Affairs Officer Mike Kershawku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sriaffa.cilbup
- Pub Data Co-ordinator (WhatPub) John Websterku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@buptahw
- Press and Publicity Officer Mike Kershawku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sserp
- Social Media Co-ordinator Alan Leachku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@aidemlaicos
- Social Secretary Pete Cleggku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@laicos
- Vice Char Pete Cleggku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@riahc.eciv
- Website Co-ordinator Alan Leachku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@bew
- Click for vacant committee and branch roles
- Sub Area Contacts The following are the point of contact for the six local authority areas, for any information, comments or gossip, that you may have to do with local pubs, breweries and beer.
- Blackburn with Darwen Chris Dickinsonku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@newradhtiwnrubkcalb.oa
- Burnley John Inghamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@yelnrub.oa
- Hyndburn John Sharples & Julie Major Smithku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@nrubdnyh.oa
- Pendle Peter Carrollku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@eldnep.oa
- Ribble Valley Martin Snellingku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@yellavelbbir.oa
- Rossendale Tom Fishwickku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@eladnessor.oa
- Brewery Liaison Officers (BLO) The following act as a link between a brewery and CAMRA, so that they can learn what is happening, and of equal importance, the brewery can know CAMRA's views on issues that may be of concern to the brewery.
- 12 Steps (Darwen) Alan Leachku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@spets21.olb
- 4 Mice (Bolton-by-Bowland) Stuart Johnsonku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@ecim4.olb
- BB18 Brewery and Tap (Earby) Nathaniel Artingstallku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@81bb.olb
- Beer Shack (Clitheroe) Stuart Johnsonku.gro.armac@scnal.tsae@kcahsreeb.olb
- Big Clock (Accrington) Alan Cottamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@kcolcgib.olb
- Bowland (Clitheroe) John Inghamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@dnalwob.olb
- Brewsmith (Ramsbottom – it is just in our area) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@htimswerb.olb
- Hopstar (Darwen) Chris Dickinsonku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@ratspoh.olb
- Moorhouse’s (Burnley) John Sandifordku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sesuohroom.olb
- Northern Whisper (Cloughfold) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@repsihwnrehtron.olb
- Oscar's (Nelson) Martyn Pashleyku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sracso.olb
- Patron’s Tap (Guide, Blackburn) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@patsnortap.olb
- Peregrine Brewing (Accrington) Alan Leachku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@enirgerep.olb
- Red Rose (Lower Darwen) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@esorder.olb
- Reedley Hallows (Burnley) John Websterku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@swollahyeldeer.olb
- Rossendale (Haslingden) Alan Cottamku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@eladnessor.olb
- Snaggletooth (Darwen) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@htootelggans.olb
- Three B’s (Blackburn) Clive Carrollku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@sbeerht.olb
- Three Peaks (Kelbrook) Philip Hartupku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@skaepeerht.olb
- Thwaites (Blackburn) Mike Kershawku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@setiawht.olb
- Unbound (Colne) Martyn Pashleyku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@dnuobnu.olb
- Whitworth Valley Brewing (Whitworth) Your name could be here!ku.gro.armac.scnaltsae@htrowtihw.olb
- Click here if interested in becoming a BLO